Get treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.
Anxiety is a common mental health disorder for both young and old. Symptoms of anxiety include feelings of restlessness, inability to concentrate, and feeling excessive stress. Our professionals tailor our treatment plans specifically for the individual. Our therapists specialize in giving you the tools to combat anxiety and find relaxation and relief.
Depression can cause a constant feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Symptoms can include lower self-esteem, changes in sleeping and eating patterns, feelings of apathy, thoughts of suicide, and feelings of hopelessness. Our goal is to help you reduce symptoms of depression, develop greater self-acceptance and lead a happier, more fulfilling life.
Grief over any form of loss can encompass a range of feelings from deep sadness to anger. The process of adapting to a significant loss can vary dramatically from one person to another. Our professionals tailor treatment plans to help with any sort of loss, exploring your feelings and memories without judgment. No loss is too big or too small to warrant support.
Learning Disabilities
Learning disabilities are often misunderstood and sometimes create other mental and emotional distress. Some learning difficulties are mild, others severe, but the impact on an individual's academic performance can be mitigated. Our professionals create behavioral teachings tailored specifically to the type of difficulty you may be experiencing.
Relationship and Familial Conflict
Relationship and familial conflict can be very disruptive to a household. The emotional turmoil can make other aspects of your life difficult and add further challenges to your life. Our goal is to focus on strengthening the primary relationships. Improving the interpersonal exchanges between individuals helps to associate each person’s strengths and differences rather than separating them.
Trauma and PTSD
A traumatic event can cause extreme mental and emotional distress long after the incident occurred. Symptoms of trauma include shock, irritability, guilt, and self-blame, isolation, feelings of numbness, and anxiety. Our team approaches trauma on an individual basis, seeing what form of treatment would be best. Successful trauma treatment can help you find considerable relief.
Treatment Approaches
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive-behavioral therapy stresses the role of thinking in how we feel and what we do. It is based on the belief that thoughts, rather than people or events, cause our negative feelings. The therapist assists the client in identifying, testing the reality of, and correcting dysfunctional beliefs underlying his or her thinking.
Culturally Sensitive
Cultural sensitivity is important in therapy. We provide therapy that is understanding that people from different backgrounds have different values, practices, and beliefs. Sensitivity to those differences when working with individuals and families in therapy is critical in the treatment plan for an individual.
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MCBT) is a two-part therapy that aims to reduce stress, manage pain, and embrace the freedom to respond to situations by choice. MCBT blends two disciplines – cognitive therapy and mindfulness. Mindfulness helps by reflecting on moments and thoughts without passing judgment.
Play Therapy
Generally, for children ages 3 to 11, play therapy is a form of counseling that relies on play to help our therapists communicate with children and understand their mental health. Because children develop cognitive skills before language skills, play is an effective way to understand a child.
Psychodynamic Therapy
Psychodynamic therapy brings the unconscious into conscious awareness – promoting insight and resolving conflict. The relationship between the therapist and the client is used as a way to learn about how the client relates to everyone in their life.
Strength-Based Therapy
Strength-based therapy focuses on your internal strengths and resourcefulness, and less on weaknesses, failures, and shortcomings. This focus sets up a positive mindset that helps you build on your best qualities, find your strengths, improve resilience, and change your worldview to one that is more positive.